Individualized Osteoporosis Treatment Plan

The patient at risk for osteoporosis and the treating physician (or team of medical professionals, as necessary) together should develop the treatment plan for slowing the patient’s bone loss.

It is important to note that while there are many “ideal” behaviors that sound great in theory, the hard part is often in the implementation. For many patients, behavioral changes such as stopping smoking altogether, radically changing a diet to include adequate calcium and Vitamin D intake, and starting a regular exercise program often present quite a personal challenge. When designing a treatment plan, it is advisable for the patient to honestly discuss with the physician any impediments to completing the treatments.

For example, if a patient experiences lack of balance or dizziness while exercising, discussing this with the physician and tailoring the treatment plan to address this problem will help the patient follow through on the exercise plan. While the changes in a patient’s behavior are often difficult to undertake, they are definitely worth it when one considers the negative consequences of sustaining an osteoporosis-related fracture.

Most osteoporosis treatment plans will include a combination of some or all of the following lifestyle and health changes to slow bone loss and, ideally, rebuild bone strength in an effort to prevent a fracture.
